
As a developing country, China’s low-price export strategy has become one of its foreign trade strategies. Export destination countries, especially developed countries like the United States, use anti-dumping and other trade barriers to inhibit China’s export enterprises to export products to the country, thus affecting the development of China’s enterprises, not conducive to the development of their own economy. Since China’s accession to the WTO, foreign trade has developed rapidly. The low price caused by the low cost of China’s commodities has led to an increasing number of anti-dumping investigation cases against China’s export products in various countries, especially in the United States. Anti-dumping, the most frequently used non-tariff barrier in trade protectionism has become one of the focuses of global trade. The article reveals the essence of dumping and anti-dumping through the analysis of the Chinese color TV anti-dumping cases, it studies the causes and the effects of this sort of procedures as well as the feasible countermeasures and skills to deal with anti-dumping for reducing and avoiding the problem of frequent anti-dumping to China in the United States.

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