
The columnar-lined mucosa at the gastroesophageal junction may contain an inflammatory infiltrate, commonly referred to as carditis (or cardia gastritis). The etiology of carditis is not entirely clear since published data are conflicting. Some authors believe it to be secondary to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and others to Helicobacter pylori gastritis. This prospective study aims at clarifying the relationship between carditis and the histological, clinical, and endoscopic findings of GERD, in a large cohort of individuals negative for H. pylori infection. Eight hundred and seventy-three individuals (477 females and 396 males, median age 53 years) participated in this study. Biopsy material was systematically sampled from above and below the gastroesophageal junction. Reflux-associated changes of the esophageal squamous epithelium were assessed according to the Esohisto consensus guidelines. Grading of carditis was performed according to the Updated Sydney System, known from the histological evaluation of gastritis. In total, 590 individuals (67.5%) had chronic carditis. Of these, 468 (53.6%) had mild chronic inflammation, with 321 individuals (68.6%) showing no or minimal changes on endoscopic examination (Los Angeles Categories N and M). The presence of chronic carditis was associated with several GERD-related parameters of the esophageal squamous epithelium (P<0.0001), and data retained statistical significance even when analysis was restricted to individuals with mild chronic carditis and/or endoscopically normal mucosa. Chronic carditis was also associated with the presence of intestinal metaplasia (P<0.0001). In addition, chronic carditis had a statistically significant association with patients' symptoms of GERD (P=0.0107). This observation remained valid for mild chronic carditis in all patients (P=0.0038) and in those with mild chronic carditis and normal endoscopic mucosa (P=0.0217). In conclusion, chronic carditis appears to be the immediate consequence of GERD, correlating with patients' symptoms and endoscopic diagnosis. These results are valid in individuals with nonerosive reflux disease, which indicates a higher sensitivity of histological diagnosis. Our findings may impact the routine assessment of reflux patients.

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