
Article1 August 1954CARDIAC AND NON-CARDIAC CHEST PAIN: A STATISTICAL STUDY OF "DIAGNOSTIC" CRITERIAARTHUR M. MASTER, M.D., F.A.C.P., HARRY L. JAFFE, M.D., LEON PORDY, M.D.ARTHUR M. MASTER, M.D., F.A.C.P.Search for more papers by this author, HARRY L. JAFFE, M.D.Search for more papers by this author, LEON PORDY, M.D.Search for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Informationhttps://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-41-2-315 SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptThe increasing frequency of chest pain, due to the lengthening of the life span, and the importance of differentiating between chest pain of cardiac and non-cardiac origin cannot be overemphasized. Chest pain of cardiac origin is usually associated with coronary artery disease. Heberden1first described angina pectoris in 1772, and until recently little had been added to his detailed observations. During the past several decades, however, the diagnosis of coronary disease has been greatly facilitated. As a result, many mild and atypical cases can now be discovered.2This explains in large part the present increase in the incidence of coronary...Bibliography1. Heberden W: Some account of a disorder of the breast, Vol. 2, 1772, Med. Trans., Royal College of Physicians, London, p. 59. Google Scholar2. MasterJaffePordy AMHLL: Chest pain—cardiac vs. non-cardiac, M. Clin. North America, in press. Google Scholar3. Harrison TR: Clinical aspects of pain in the chest. I. Angina pectoris, Am. J. M. Sc. 207: 561, 1944. CrossrefGoogle Scholar4. Parkinson J: Cardiac symptoms, Ann. Int. Med. 35: 499, 1951. LinkGoogle Scholar5. SmithKountz JRWB: Deformities of the thoracic spine as a cause of anginal pain, Ann. Int. Med. 17: 604, 1942. LinkGoogle Scholar6. Binger C: Psychological phenomena in cardiac patients, Bull. New York Acad. Med. 24: 687 (Nov.) 1948. MedlineGoogle Scholar7. DavisRitvo DM: Osteoarthritis of the cervicodorsal spine (radiculitis): similarity to coronary artery disease. Clinical and roentgenologic findings, New England J. Med. 238: 857, 1948. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar8. Sprague HB: Conditions commonly mistaken for coronary occlusion and angina pectoris, Am. Pract. 4: 238, 1948. Google Scholar9. Friedberg CK: Diseases of the heart, 1949, W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, pp. 353, 378. Google Scholar10. Allison DR: Pain in the chest wall. Similarity to heart disease, Brit. M. J. 1: 332 (Feb. 11) 1950. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar11. Clinical memoranda: Cure or relief of cases misdiagnosed "angina of effort," Brit. M. J. 2: 891, 1938. MedlineGoogle Scholar12. Conner LA: The psychic factor in cardiac disorders, J. A. M. A. 94: 447, 1930. CrossrefGoogle Scholar13. Schott A: Pain in the left chest: some considerations in local practice, M. Press and Circ. 20: 474, 1948. Google Scholar14. Roberts SR: Nervous and mental influences in angina pectoris, Am. Heart J. 7: 21, 1931. CrossrefGoogle Scholar15. Burnett CT: Pain and pain equivalent in heart disease, Ann. Int. Med. 10: 1156, 1937. LinkGoogle Scholar16. ReevesHarrison TJTR: Diagnostic and therapeutic value of the reproduction of chest pain, Arch. Int. Med. 91: 8, 1953. CrossrefGoogle Scholar This content is PDF only. To continue reading please click on the PDF icon. Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAffiliations: New York, N. Y.*Presented as a Morning Lecture at the Thirty-fifth Annual Session of the American College of Physicians, Chicago, Illinois, April 7, 1954.From the Cardiographic Laboratory, The Mount Sinai Hospital, New York. PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetailsSee AlsoCelebrating the ACP Centennial: From the Annals Archive—Diagnosing Chest Pain Deborah Cotton Metrics Cited byCelebrating the ACP Centennial: From the Annals Archive—Diagnosing Chest PainDeborah Cotton, MD, MPHExperience in adverse events detection in an emergency department: Nature of eventsSystematic approach to evaluation of angina-like chest pain: Pathophysiology and clinical testing with emphasis on objective documentation of myocardial ischemiaTHORACIC PAINPain in psychiatric patientsLIPOPROTEIN-LIPASE LEVELS AND PLATELET STICKINESS IN PATIENTS WITH ISCHÆMIC HEART-DISEASE AND IN CONTROLS, DISTINGUISHING THOSE WITH AN AFFECTED FIRST-DEGREE RELATIVEThe Two-Step Exercise ElectrocardiogramDie Coronarerkrankungen. Coronarinsuffizienz, Angina pectoris und HerzinfarktThe anatomy of chest pain∗CORONARY HEART DISEASE IN THE PRESENCE OF PULMONARY DISEASEACUTE CORONARY INSUFFICIENCY: ITS DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT*ARTHUR M. MASTER, F.A.C.P., HARRY L. JAFFE, LEONARD E. FIELD, F.A.C.P., EPHRAIM DONOSOScreening for the heart diseasesTHE CODEXCHEST PAIN 1 August 1954Volume 41, Issue 2Page: 315-322KeywordsAnginaHeart diseasesIschemiaResearch laboratoriesStable coronary artery disease ePublished: 1 December 2008 Issue Published: 1 August 1954 PDF downloadLoading ...

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