
Carbonyl sulfide (COS) mixing ratioswere measured in the marine atmosphere and in airequilibrated with surface sea water during severalcruises in the North Sea and western NorthAtlantic. In April 1994, North Sea waters weresupersaturated with respect to the atmosphere,resulting in oceanic emissions of COS. Saturationratios varied between the equilibrium value of one inthe central North Sea and high values of >15 in theElbe Estuary. We observed weak diel cycles of surfacewater COS during a three day drift station. During theunderway parts of the cruise, diel COS variations weremasked by the high geographical variability of COSconcentrations in the German Bight. In August 1994, weobserved a pronounced diel cycle of COS off theFlorida coast with saturation ratios varying betweenthe equilibrium value of one in the early morning andmaximum values of four to five in the afternoon. InMarch 1995, we found COS supersaturation as well asextensive undersaturation in the western NorthAtlantic between Norfolk, VA, and Bermuda. Suchundersaturation in marine surface waters results inregional and seasonal uptake of atmospheric COS. Basedon our data and those of other researchers, weestimate the global oceanic COS net emission to bebetween 1.3 and 2.5 Gmol yr-1. This estimate is significantly smaller than previous ones which had notconsidered the possibility of COS uptake by theoceans. COS hydrolysis in the ocean has a significantinfluence on the atmospheric turnover time of COS,which we estimate to be 5.7 yr. This may contribute tothe lack of an observable increase in atmospheric COSlevels despite substantial anthropogenic emissions.

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