
Abstract ‘Tifgreen’ bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. × C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy] was exposed to 10°/7°C (day/night) temperatures following pretreatment with 120 mg Fe/m2 or 12.4 mg BA/m2 to determine their effects on net photosynthesis (Pn), respiration (Rs), leaf total nonstructural carbohydrate (TNC) content, and turf color at chilling temperatures. Average Pn and Rs rates were reduced 73% and 66%, respectively, by a 72-hr chilling period. Within 2 hr at 30° following chilling, Rs rates returned to prechill rates. However, Pn rates returned to within only 50% of prechill rates during the same recovery period. The lack of full photosynthetic recovery was associated with a 288% increase in leaf TNC. Iron increased Pn rates prior to chilling. This iron effect was associated with increased photosynthetic activity per unit of chlorophyll and was evident before, during, and after the chilling period. BA increased Pn rates before chilling and within 2 hr at 30° following chilling. However, during chilling, Pn rates for the BA treatment were similar to the control. Neither Fe nor BA significantly affected leaf TNC or Rs rates. Iron and BA caused higher turf color scores during chilling. Chemical names used: N-(phenylmethyl)-1H-purin-6-amine (BA).

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