
1,3-Propanediol (1,3-PDO) can be produced biologically through glycerol fermentation. While such a process typically involves a pure culture system, particularly for crude glycerol, there would be operational advantages if a mixed population could be used. However, in the latter case the yield is typically low. Here, we use electrical current as the driving force for a mixed population fermenting glycerol in the cathode of a microbial bioelectrochemical system (BES). The carbon and electron flows were monitored by a titration and off-gas analysis (TOGA) sensor, and the syntrophic interactions in the BES were also investigated. Results show that on a carbon yield basis, current enhanced 1,3-PDO production from 24.8% (without current) to 50.1% (with a polarized biocathode at -0.9 V versus standard hydrogen electrode, SHE). Flux analysis indicated that the reductive current can be integrated into glycerol metabolism to enhance 1,3-PDO yield and that glycerol metabolism was redirected from propionate fermentation to 1,3-PDO production. A polarization of -0.6 V (vs SHE) resulted in more fermentative hydrogen production (from 2.7% to 8.0% on electron basis). 1,3-PDO production was also enhanced with hydrogen supply (37.7% on carbon basis), by suppressing hydrogen fermentation. Moreover, interspecies hydrogen transfer encouraged hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis, which was also accelerated by the cathodic polarization.

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