
The following fractions—ethanol soluble sugars, cold water soluble polysaccharides, hot water soluble polysaccharides and insoluble polysaccharides in both rust-infected and uninfected leaves of Pelargonium inquinans (L.) Ait. infected with Puccinia pelargonii-zonalis Doidge, were analysed by means of gas-liquid chromatography. Ethanol soluble sugars of Althaea rosea Cav. infected by Puccinia malvacearum Mont. were also studied. The soluble carbohydrate distribution in the infected leaves indicates that the rust fungus stores certain acyclic polyols (arabitol and mannitol) and trehalose. Polysaccharides such as a cold water soluble glucan and a mannan are stored at the site of the rust pustules.

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