
We studied carabid beetle abundance at eight forest-farmland edges using pitfall traps across 60-m gradients (30 m into the forest, 30 m into the adjacent farmland) in southern Finland in May–August 2001. Carabid assemblages changed gradually across the studied gradients, the most drastic changes occurring right at the edge (5 m). Forest-associated carabids were often caught in farmland habitat within 20–30 m from the edges, and open-habitat carabids were also caught in the forest patches. However, these two groups responded to the edge in slightly different ways. Forest carabids were abundant all across the gradient from forest interior to the edge ( 80 m 9), while open-habitat carabids showed a drastic abundance decrease toward the forest, 5–10 m before the edge the abundance-change slope across the edge: gradient was steeper for open-habitat than for forest carabids. Wing-dimorphic and long-winged carabids increased more steeply from forest to farmland, compared to short-winged carabids. Moreover, carabids associated with dry and moist habitat showed indications of stronger response to the edge than did eurytopic species. The pair-wise comparisons between predatory/mixed-diet carabids and seed-eaters, spring and autumn breeders, and day- and night-active species did not indicate edge-response differences.

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