
Irritating dietary substances such as tannin and papain have been reported to alter the morphology of salivary glands and their secretions. Such alterations can be one line of protection from toxic or irritating substances in food. We investigated the effects of dietary capsaicin (a pungent ingredient of hot red pepper) on the rat submandibular gland and its secretions. Several groups of animals were offered either control diets or diets containing capsaicin (from 0.0001 to 0.1%) for seven days. Higher concentrations suppressed food consumption for two days, after which only the highest concentration continued to reduce intake. The relative weight of the salivary glands in capsaicin-diet groups increased in a dose-dependent fashion, and new proteins appeared in the submandibular saliva. Chromatographic and electrophoretic properties of these proteins were identical or similar to those of isoproterenol-induced proteins. After affinity chromatography of the new protein fraction on a Cm-papain Sepharose 4B column, SDS-electrophoresis of the eluate revealed three major bands (15,500, 16,500, and 28,000 kDa). Hydrolysis of N-benzoyl-D,L-arginine-p-nitroanilide by papain (a cysteine protease) decreased in the presence of the new protein fraction, suggesting that these proteins have cystatin-like activity (inhibition of cysteine protease). Denervation of the glossopharyngeal nerve suppressed induction of these proteins. The results suggest that dietary capsaicin induces cystatin S-like substances in submandibular saliva by stimulating the reflex arc involving the glossopharyngeal nerve. These proteins likely facilitate ingestion of diets containing the irritating substance.

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