
Sol–gel capillary microextraction (CME) is a new direction in the solventless sample preparation for the preconcentration of trace analytes, and presents significant interest in environmental, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, biomedical, agricultural, food, flavor, and a host of other important areas. It utilizes advanced material properties of organic–inorganic hybrid sol–gel polymers to perform efficient extraction and preconcentration of target compounds from a wide variety of matrices. In the present work, a novel benzyl-terminated dendron-based sol–gel coating was developed for CME. A detailed investigation was conducted to evaluate the performance of the newly developed sol–gel dendrimer coatings to perform solventless extraction of a wide range of polar and nonpolar analytes. The characteristic branched architecture of dendrons makes them structurally superior extraction media compared with their traditional linear polymeric counterparts. Sol–gel chemistry was used to chemically immobilize dendritic macromolecules on fused silica capillary inner surface. Due to the strong chemical bonding with the capillary inner walls, sol–gel dendron coatings showed excellent thermal and solvent stability in capillary microextraction in hyphenation with chromatographic analysis. Efficient extraction of a wide range of analytes from their aqueous solutions was accomplished using sol–gel dendron coated fused silica capillaries. Low parts per trillion level detection limits were achieved in CME–GC for both polar and nonpolar analytes including polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), aldehydes, ketones, phenols, and alcohols.

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