
Studies on buffalo sperm capacitation have been limited because of the non-availability of a direct assay system. We describe two methods for detecting the acrosomal status of buffalo spermatozoa, namely chlortetracycline (CTC) fluorescence assay and Pisum sativum agglutinin (FITC-PSA) stain. We also test them under various treatment regimens and simultaneously standardize and calibrate them with transmission electron microscopy. An initial comparison of three physiological media, such as Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer, Tyrode solution and Brackett & Oliphant medium (having different calcium concentrations and osmolality) used for studying the capacitation of buffalo spermatozoa and assessed by CTC, FITC-PSA, Giemsa stain and TEM, revealed Brackett & Oliphant medium to be marginally better than the other two media. When stained with chlortetracycline, three distinct fluorescent patterns were visible in buffalo spermatozoa under capacitating conditions. These were ‘F’ with fluorescence in the post acrosomal region characteristic of uncapacitated acrosome-intact cells; ‘B’ with fluorescence on the anterior portion of the sperm head and a dark band in the post-acrosomal region, characteristic of capacitated, acrosome intact cells and ‘AR’ with a fluorescent band on the posterior portion of the head, characteristic of acrosome-reacted cells. The FITC-PSA intensely labels the acrosomal region of acrosome intact buffalo sperm. Acrosome reacted sperms had diminished acrosomal labelling by both the probes used. Buffalo spermatozoa was not capacitated when calcium was either omitted from the medium or chelated with EGTA. In the presence of Ca 2+ ionophore, A23187, 68% at 4 h and 85% at 8 h completed the acrosome reaction. Time course studies revealed a 4 h incubation period at 1.71 mM Ca 2+ concentration to be necessary before transformation of ‘F’ to ‘B’ cells could take place. Spontaneous acrosome reaction induced at 6 and 8 h incubation of buffalo spermatozoa in KRB medium resulted in conversion of ‘B’ cells to ‘AR’ while ‘F’ cells remained unchaged. A simultaneous evaluation of acrosome intact and acrosome-reacted cells using FITC-PSA, Giemsa and TEM gave results similar to examination by CTC stain. Both the assays are rapid, reproducible, reliable and they detect an increase in physiological acrosome reactions. They thus can be used to study effects of calcium and prove to be good monitoring systems to identify buffalo sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction in individual buffalo bulls for fertility studies.

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