
Introduction/framework/objectives Pancreatic cancer has a high mortality rate. Part of the etiology, for some researchers, may be related to work activities, so knowledge of risk factors may be important for the performance of Occupational Health and Security teams. Thus, taking into account that the evidence on the subject is scarce, the aim of this review was to summarize the available and most current information. Methodology This is a Bibliographic Review, initiated through a search carried out in January 2022 in the databases “CINALH plus with full text, Medline with full text, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Methodology Register, Nursing and Allied Health Collection: comprehensive, MedicLatina and RCAAP”. Content In 2008, around 280,000 new cases were estimated worldwide. Due to the low survival rate, the incidence number is similar to the mortality rate in the medium term. The five-year survival rate in some countries is 7 and 8% for males and females, respectively. This pathology generally does not show encouraging results in relation to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Although without full consensus, it is believed that males are more likely to be affected. Discussion and Conclusions Part of pancreatic cancers may have an occupational origin through contact with ionizing radiation and, above all, some chemical agents: pesticides, fertilizers, cadmium, nickel (and other heavy metals), nitrosamines, chlorinated and polycyclic aromatics hydrocarbons, silica/asbestos, metallurgy fluids, paints and diesel fumes. Thus, the most relevant professional sectors will be agriculture and gardening, dry cleaning, construction/shipbuilding (and related areas), as well as photography. Taking into account the scarcity of data at a national level, it would be relevant to obtain studies that explore this phenomenon, namely, which levels of exposure to risk factors potentially carcinogenic, which professions are most exposed, which protection measures have been equated, as well as its effectiveness or even the rate of return to work and its eventual limitations. KEYWORDS: pancreatic cancer, pesticides, occupational health, occupational medicine, occupational safety.

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