
fact which has helped to confuse our thinking about the Alliance is that there is no such thing. There is no in the formal sense of the word. When the Ogdensburg agreement on joint defence was agreed upon between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Mackenzie King, the Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen violently protested any references to a Canadian-United States defence treaty. Where was it? he asked. Who signed it? Who ratified it? What legal validity has it? I do not suggest that the CanadianAmerican alliance and the Anglo-American alliance stand on all fours. Too many varying factors differentiate between these two arrangements. But, strictly speaking, it is well to remember that the only between the United Kingdom and the United States is the NATO bond, that a similar bond exists between Canada and the United States, but the close and complete understanding between Canada and the United States on all matters of joint continental defence is not paralleled by any close and complete understanding between the United States and the United Kingdom. True, the United States has air bases in England which have no direct connection with NATO. It comes under some special, bilateral arrangement. But that does not compare with the all-embracing schemes which cover North American continental defence.

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