
This study innovatively uses local government regulations related to manufacturing to quantitatively identify industrial policies. The degree of influence and functional mechanism of China's industrial policies on the green competitiveness of the manufacturing industry are empirically examined using the provincial and regional panel data. Additionally, the synergistic complementary effect between industrial policy power and market forces and the fiscal decentralization's role in influencing industrial policies are investigated. The results reveal that the promulgation and implementation of industrial policies have significantly promoted the green competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. Regarding functional mechanisms, environmental governance has played a positive role in promoting the green competitiveness of the manufacturing industry supported by industrial policies, resource allocation, and innovation incentives. Meanwhile, industrial policies on green competitiveness in manufacturing depend on marketization and fiscal decentralization in local governments. The above findings demonstrate that the local governments in China, a developing economy, can play the role of development-oriented governments. Based on conforming to market deepening and system optimization, they can formulate and implement industrial policies in a rational manner and achieve green development and upgrade the manufacturing industry.


  • China’s manufacturing industry has been developing at an astonishing rate since the reform and opening up

  • The following empirical model is developed to verify the impact of governmental industrial policies on green competitiveness in manufacturing: lnGTFPit 1⁄4 C þ b1Policyit þ b2Exportit þ b3Capitalit þ b4FDIit þ Vi þ εit ð1Þ

  • policy variable (Policy) is a variable that represents the governmental industrial policy; X denotes the control variables, which include the degree of openness (Export, foreign direct investment (FDI)) and human capital (Capital), C is the intercept independent of individuals, β is the parameter under estimation, Vi is the individual effect, and εit is the stochastic error term

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Can China’s industrial policies enhance the green competitiveness of the manufacturing industry?.

Empirical model settings
Estimation of green competitiveness in the manufacturing industry
Core explanatory variable
Control variables
Variables of the path and institutional environment
Sources of data
Industrial policies and green competitiveness of manufacturing industry
Robustness test
Replacement of core variable
Examination of weak endogenous subsamples
Search and verification of transmission channels
Subs Inno
Discussions and policy suggestions
Author Contributions
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