
The aim of the present study was to examine the role of cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) and its phosphorylation in the regulation of ovarian cell proliferation and apoptosis, and of the response of proliferation and apoptosis to the upstream hormonal stimulators FSH and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) 1. In the first series of experiments, porcine ovarian granulosa cells, transfected or not with a gene construct encoding wild-type CREB1 (CREB1WT), were cultured with and without FSH (0, 1, 10 or 100ngmL-1). In the second series of experiments, these cells were transfected or not with CREB1WT or non-phosphorylatable mutant CREB1 (CREB1M1) and cultured with and without FSH (0, 1, 10 or 100ngmL-1) or IGF1 (0, 1, 10 and 100ngmL-1). Levels of total and phosphorylated (p-) CREB1, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), a marker of proliferation, and BAX, a marker of apoptosis, were evaluated by western immunoblotting and immunocytochemical analysis. Transfection of cells with CREB1WT promoted accumulation of total CREB1 within cells, but p-CREB1 was not detected in any cell group. Both CREB1WT and CREB1M1 reduced cell proliferation and apoptosis. Addition of 10 and 100ngmL-1 FSH to non-transfected cells promoted CREB1 accumulation and apoptosis, whereas cell proliferation was promoted by all concentrations of FSH tested. FSH activity was not modified in cells transfected with either CREB1WT or CREB1M1. IGF1 at 100ngmL-1 promoted cell proliferation, whereas all concentrations of IGF1 tested reduced apoptosis. Transfection with either CREB1WT or CREB1M1 did not modify the effects of either FSH or IGF1, although CREB1M1 reversed the effect of IGF1 on apoptosis from inhibitory to stimulatory. These observations suggest that CREB1 is involved in the downregulation of porcine ovarian cell proliferation and apoptosis. The absence of visible CREB1 phosphorylation and the similarity between the effects of CREB1WT and CREB1M1 transfection indicate that phosphorylation is not necessary for CREB1 action on these processes. Furthermore, the observations suggest that FSH promotes both ovarian cell proliferation and apoptosis, whereas IGF1 has proliferation-promoting and antiapoptotic properties. The effect of FSH on CREB1 accumulation and the ability of CREB1M1 to reverse the effects of IGF1 on apoptosis indicate that CREB1 is a mediator of hormonal activity, but the inability of either CREB1WT or CREBM1transfection to modify the primary effects of FSH and IGF1 suggest that CREB1 and its phosphorylation do not mediate the action of these hormones on ovarian cell proliferation and apoptosis.

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