
Activation of cAMP signaling pathway and its transcriptional factor cyclic AMP response element binding protein (CREB) and coactivator are key determinants of neuronal differentiation and plasticity. We show that nuclear fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 (FGFR1) mediates cAMP-induced neuronal differentiation and regulates CREB and CREB binding protein (CBP) function in alpha-internexin-expressing human neuronal progenitor cells (HNPC). In proliferating HNPC, FGFR1 was associated with the cytoplasm and plasma membrane. Treatment with dB-cAMP induced nuclear accumulation of FGFR1 and caused neuronal differentiation, accompanied by outgrowth of neurites expressing MAP2 and neuron-specific neurofilament-L protein and enolase. HNPC transfected with nuclear/cytoplasmic FGFR1 or non-membrane FGFR1(SP-/NLS), engineered to accumulate exclusively in the cell nucleus, underwent neuronal differentiation in the absence of cAMP stimulation. In contrast, FGFR1/R4, with highly hydrophobic transmembrane domain of FGFR4, was membrane associated, did not enter the nucleus and failed to induce neuronal differentiation. Transfection of tyrosine kinase-deleted dominant negative receptor mutants, cytoplasmic/nuclear FGFR1(TK-) or nuclear FGFR1(SP-/NLS)(TK-), prevented cAMP-induced neurite outgrowth. Nuclear FGFR1 localized in speckle-like domains rich in phosphorylated histone 3 and splicing factors, regions known for active RNA transcription and processing, and activated the neurofilament-L gene promoter. FGFR1(SP-/NLS) transactivated CRE, up-regulated phosphorylation and transcriptional activity of CREB and stimulated the activity of CBP several-fold. Thus, cAMP-induced nuclear accumulation of FGFR1 provides a signal that triggers molecular events leading to neuronal differentiation.

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