
Pan, W.; Ye, Y.; Li, X.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, Z., and Lai, X., 2018. Calculation and analysis of new taxiing modes on aircraft pollutant emissions in coastal airports of China. In: Liu, Z.L. and Mi, C. (eds.), Advances in Sustainable Port and Ocean Engineering. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 83, pp. 448–455. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.This study introduces new taxiing modes for aircraft taxiing by ground equipment and onboard equipment. According to each airport timetable , aircraft/engine combination information, aircraft/APU combination information, ICAO Aircraft Engine Emissions Databank, APU emission data, APU power settings and the meteorological data of each airport, combining with the Boeing Fuel Flow Method 2 (BFFM2), the fuel consumption and pollutant emissions of all airports' aircrafts during full taxiing and new taxiing modes are calculated. During the taxiing period in 2017, 9 airports will consume 938019.54 tons of fuel and emit 2713.05 tons, 22882.00 tons, 3500.25 tons, 2959451.66 tons, and 750.42 tons of HC, CO, NOx and CO2 respectively. The new taxiing modes will reduce at least 75% of fuel consumption and 60% of pollutant emissions.

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