
The local electronic structure and stereochemistry of calcite, aragonite, dolomite, ferroan dolomite, manganoan calcite, synthetic carbonate hydroxylapatite (CHAP), and CaS (synthetic oldhamite) have been studied using Ca L 2,3 -edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. The XANES spectra of the calcite- and dolomite-structure carbonates are identical within error of measurement, confirming the local nature of X-ray absorption at the L 2,3 edge of Ca 2+ . The Ca L 2,3 -edge XANES spectrum of aragonite is distinct and indicates a weak crystal-field splitting of positive 10 Dq . Separate Ca1 and Ca2 sites are resolved in the XANES of hydroxylapatite and CHAP: Ca1 appears to have a very weak crystal field of negative 10 Dq , and Ca2 has a weak crystal field of positive 10 Dq . The Ca L 2,3 -edge XANES spectrum of CaS reflects both Ca and S unoccupied 3 d states, and is used to show progressive oxidation of the sulfide on exposure to air. The L 2,3 X-ray absorption edge of 3 d 0 cations is associated with the 2 p 5 3 d 1 excited electronic state. It is, therefore, a novel technique for studying the crystal field of K + , Ca 2+ , Sc 3+ , and Ti 4+ , which do not have populated 3 d orbitals in their ground state.

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