
Calcareous nannofossils of the Gault, Upper Greensand and Glauconitic Marl (Middle Albian-Lower Cenomanian) from the BGS Selborne boreholes, Hampshire. Calcareous nannofossils were studied from three cored British Geological Survey boreholes which provided a complete succession through the Gault and Upper Greensand (Albian). The regional, high-resolution nannofossil zones of Jeremiah (1996) could be recognized in part, although the absence of the marker species, Ceratolithina bicornuta, and the coincidence of the first occurrences of Tegulalithus tessellatus and Staurolithites angustus prevented the identification or zones NAL6 and NAL8. The standard Cretaceous CC/NC global nannofossil zones (see Bown et in., 1998) were all present. The ages and correlations proved by the nannofossils are in agreement with those of Woods et id. (2001). One new taxonomic combination is proposed, Broinsonia cenomanica (Black, 1973) comb. nov.

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