
The current oscillations of the relaxation type, observed within the transition potential region of an iron electrode, from activity to passivity, in sulphuric acid solutions are studied in the presence of various concentrations of chloride ions. The presence of chloride ions initiates pitting corrosion phenomena resulting in a new kind of current oscillation in the transition region. Special attention is paid to current oscillations generated for 0.03 < C Cl− < 0.07 M which include periodic beating (continuous spiking), bursting and aperiodic waveforms. The generation of the current bursts and beats is investigated in terms of chloride concentration, iron disc rotation and potential. Bursting and beating oscillations were also observed in experimental and theoretical studies related with excitable biological membranes. A mechanism underlying bursting and beating oscillations is proposed for the Fe/2 M H 2SO 4 + xM Cl − system, (0.03 < x < 0.07). Transition to new oscillatory states periodic or aperiodic, but different from the bursting and beating oscillations, occurs for C Cl− ≥ 0.06 M. The dynamic behaviour of the Fe/2 M H 2SO 4 + 0.1 M Cl − system is also studied. New kinds of oscillation are observed, delineating a significant change of the electrodissolution/passivation mechanism of the Fe within the transition region in 2 M H 2SO 4 solution containing chlorides in concentrations higher than 0.06 M.

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