
The burrow morphology of the echiuran worm Maxmuelleria lankesteri (Herdman) was investigated in situ using a resin casting technique. Work was carried out in Lochs Sween and Creran on the west coast of Scotland in predominantly fine mud sediments. Burrow casts typically had only 1 opening, although there is evidence to suggest that a second opening may exist. In 58% of burrows, the opening, which was small and funnel-shaped, was associated with a surface mound reaching up to 20 cm in height. The tunnel below the burrow opening, the ‘neck’, was narrow and circular in transverse section with a smooth wall, possibly due to the action of the mucus-laden proboscis which emerges during feeding. The maximum burrow depth recorded was 80 cm and tunnel orientation became more horizontal with increasing depth. In some larger burrows, the tunnel began to orientate upwards towards its end. Below the neck, the tunnel was much wider but had a sub-circular transverse section. The burrows had distinct striations on the w...

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