
A proposed method of buried object localization, based upon spectral analysis of surface wave reflections, is investigated numerically. This arises from a hypothesis to the effect that reflectivity would be maximized at some intermediate wavelength, shorter ones associated with disturbances too shallow to substantially excite the object as a secondary (reflecting) source, and longer ones with disturbances involving such volumes of earth in motion that the object become insignificant as a reflector. Discernment of that intermediate wavelength of maximum reflectivity might, thereby, provide an index of the object’s depth. Horizontal distance from echo return time, and azimuth from phase array techniques, could complete a localization methodology. Presented, accordingly, are 2D FEA simulations, in which narrow-banded surface wave trains are excited by a point source on the surface of an elastic medium, a void provided at some horizontal distance and depth, the strength of reflected surface motions thereafter examined in relation to frequency. These bear out the hypothesis, finding maximal reflectivity for a surface wavelength about two-thirds of the object depth. Proposed is that this could serve as the basis for a horizontal stand-off detection method, especially for applications like landmines, for which it may be undesirable to scan from above.

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