
This chapter defends the Bundle Theory thesis that concrete particulars or substantial particulars are wholly constituted by and identical to complete bundles of compresent tropes. Bundles are taken to be merelogical sums of properties, the constituents of which are parts of the bundle, with the trope parts of the bundle restricted to those tropes that are mutually compresent. Some of the advantages of a trope-based bundle theory over a universals-based bundle theory are highlighted. Refinements to the theory are proposed in reponse to various objections, especially to the objection that bundle theory makes all properties of an object essential to it, is incompatible with change and leads to an infinite regress. It is argued that bundle theory is best coupled with temporal parts theory or stage theory in order to handle the first two of these objections and that the regress does not arise since compresence is a “self-relating” relation.

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