
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the increasing amount of personal and sensitive data collected in the healthcare inistiutions, make it necessary to use the cloud not only to store the data, but also to process it in the cloud. Obviously, most people would like to get a secure information related to their health. Therefore, with the recent growth of cloud computing privacy and data protection requirements have been evolving toto protect individuals from surveillance and data leakage. However, due to security concerns about frequent data breaches and recently upgraded legal data protection requirements (such as the EU's General Data Protection Regulation), it is recommended not to outsourcing unprotected sensitive data to public clouds. Cloud computing offers on-demand services including platforms, infrastructure and software that have been developed. To ensure confidentiality, the encryption algorithm is the most commonly used technique. However, Using a single algorithm is not effective for the high-level security of data in cloud computing. To fix this issue, we have introduced a new security mechanism using a built-in encrypted cloud storage system, which makes the proposed system strong against vulnerabilities. Various symmetric and asymmetric encryption techniques have been used to protect data from external threats. These techniques can help restrict the access to the stored data in order to be available for authorized users only. Combining Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Cryptographic Curve Cryptography (ECC), the sensitive files are stored in client side and uploaded to the server. The results show that the impact of this built-in approach is more important than the other secure algorithms. In addition, it also showed that in the built-in algorithm, adding additional layers of security did not cause an increase in the download and upload time from and to the cloud.

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