
The fusion of two highly differentiated cells, an oocyte with a spermatozoon, gives rise to the zygote, a single totipotent cell, which has the capability to develop into a complete, fully functional organism. Then, as development proceeds, a series of programmed cell divisions occur whereby the arising cells progressively acquire their own cellular and molecular identity, and totipotency narrows until when pluripotency is achieved. The path towards pluripotency involves transcriptome modulation, remodeling of the chromatin epigenetic landscape to which external modulators contribute. Both human and mouse embryos are a source of different types of pluripotent stem cells whose characteristics can be captured and maintained in vitro. The main aim of this review is to address the cellular properties and the molecular signature of the emerging cells during mouse and human early development, highlighting similarities and differences between the two species and between the embryos and their cognate stem cells.

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