
Abstract Sweet corn was planted 26 Oct in Myakka fine sand on the University of Florida’s Central Florida Research and Education Center in Sanford. Lasso 15G 3 lb (AI)/acre was incorporated in a 15 inch band at planting time for weed control. Treatments were applied to single row, 40-ft plots with 12-inch plant spacing. Rows were spaced 5 ft apart. Treatments were replicated 5 times in randomized complete blocks separated by 10 ft weed-free alleys. Sprays were applied with a CO2 pressurized sprayer mounted on an Allis-Chalmers model G tractor. Three nozzles (D3-45) were used per row; 1 overhead and 1 drop on each side. The delivery rate was 50 gpa with a boom pressure of about 50 psi and a speed of 3 mph. Sprays were applied 17, 22, and 28 Nov, and 1 and 5 Dec. Twenty plants per plot were rated for damage on 12 Dec as follows: 0 = no apparent feeding damage; 1 = etching or feeding holes in outer leaves, no whorl damage; 2 = light whorl damage (some whorl leaves without damage); 3 = heavy whorl damage (all whorl leaves damaged). Damage ratings were taken when the plants were 12 to 18 inches tall; the stage considered most susceptible to bud destruction by fall armyworm. Only the percentage of plants showing ratings of 2 and 3 were included in the table since a rating of 1 was not considered a threat to the plant.

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