
Mean relative gas hold up, slip velocity, bubble size distribution, and volumetric mass transfer coefficient of oxygen were measured in sparged columns of highly viscous non-Newtonian fluids (CMC solutions) as a function of the gas flow rate, and CMC concentration (fluid consistency index k, and flow behaviour index n). By comparison of the measured bubble swarm velocities with those calculated by relations for single bubbles the bubble swarm behaviour was investigated. It could be shown that small bubbles in swarm have higher rising velocities than single bubbles, expecially in highly viscous media. Large single bubbles rise with high velocity due to the change of their shape caused by the swarm of the smaller bubbles. No large bubbles with spherical cap shape could be observed. The volumetric mass transfer coefficient decreases rapidly with increasing CMC-concentration. A comparison of the volumetric mass transfer coefficients with those measured in mechanically agitated vessels indicates, that the performance of sparged columns is comparable with the one of agitated vessels. Because of their lower energy requirement sparged columns are more economical than mechanically agitated vessels. It is possible to improve the performance of sparged columns by the redispersion of large bubbles in a multistage equipment.

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