
Bt-maize crop is increasingly used worldwide and the study of ecological side effects is a major subject in this domain. Under laboratory conditions, we determined Bt-maize effects on the non-target aphid Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) (Homoptera: Aphididae). We found no significant differences between S. avenae on MON810 and the near-isogenic line when alate offspring production, apterous survivorship, longevity, intrinsic rates of natural increase ( r m), finite rates of increase and doubling times were compared. No significant differences were found between treatments for apterous pre-reproductive and reproductive periods. Additionally, we used immunological tests (ELISA) to detect Cry1Ab protein in maize leaves and S. avenae nymphs. Results showed that Bt-maize leaves expressed 0.203 (±0.05) μg Cry1Ab/g leaf tissue (Mean ± SEM). No Cry1Ab protein was present in S. avenae nymphs developing on Bt or conventional maize. We conclude that Bt-maize does not affect the development of the non-target aphid S. avenae and that Cry1Ab toxin quantities in these aphids are nil, suggesting an inconsequential risk for natural enemies of this aphid species.

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