
A study of bryophytes cover of the rock outcrops of the "Chortova Skelia" forest reserve was carry out. It was established that a significant variety of natural conditions of the studied object is a factor of structural and functional differentiation of bryocommunities. The bryophyte vegetation was represented by 6 eco-floristic groups, which depend on the phanerogamous vegetation, microclimate and underlying substrates by varying degrees. Prodromus of moss vegetation, consisting of 4 classes, 7 unions, 20 associations (3 of which we consider as extinct) and 6 communities was compiled. It was established that anthropogenic transformation of rock outcrops leads to significant changes in the structure of the moss cover. It was investigated that serious changes were caused by the breaching of the forest tent over the rock outcrops as well as the transformation of rocks with following destruction of the humus layer. Outcrops complex of "Chortova Skelia" and its associated microhabitats are in need of protection measures, aimed to preserve the beech forest and rocks. These protection measures would help to provide living conditions for nemoral and petrophylic moss vegetations.

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