
A TE-pass polarizer based on multiple hybrid plasmonic waveguides (HPWs) is proposed, where the polarizer section consists of four symmetrically placed HPWs and a single-mode silicon waveguide in between. Owing to the strong polarization-dependent absorption loss of the multiple HPWs, the unwanted TM polarized light is strongly attenuated while TE polarized light passes through with little loss. In addition, the multimode interference (MMI) effect is further utilized to strip out TM mode, resulting in more compact device size. To improve the extinction ratio (ER) and operating bandwidth (OBW) of the device, a three-stage cascaded scheme is utilized. Results show that a compact device with a length of ∼ 26 µ m , an ultra-high ER of over 60 dB, and a low insertion loss (IL) of 0.15 dB is obtained at the wavelength of 1.55 µm, with a broad OBW of over 240 nm for an E R > --> 40 d B . Compared with the recently reported silicon TE-pass polarizers, the present device shows better performance in terms of ER and bandwidth with a comparable device footprint.

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