
THE annual meeting of the British Standards Institution was held on May 28, with Dr. E. F. Armstrong in the chair, who, in presenting the report, said the year's work showed marked progress in every section. He laid stress on the fact that more than 150,000 copies of the British Standard Specifications have been sold and distributed during the year, an increase over last year of 23,000, and that there are now 700 committees holding more than 1,000 meetings a year, the total membership exceeding 5,000. The machinery of the B.S.I, is such that no section of industry need fear that its considered views will not receive the fullest consideration, or that a British Standard Specification would be issued in the face of soundly based objection. Moreover, it has been definitely stated that the Institution does not contemplate setting itself up as a testing authority. Mr. W. Reavell, a past-president of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, has been elected chairman for the ensuing year. He was one of the first to recognise the necessity for the co-ordination of the work of mechanical standardisation, in which the Institution of Mechanical Engineers is taking a leading part. Perhaps one of the most important results of the year's work is the increasing success of the inter-Imperial co-operation which is now so firmly established. Australia has a standards organisation with 500 committees manned by more than 4,500 individuals, and during the past year 75 industrial standards have been issued and 20 more are out for public criticism. British Standard Specifications are good propaganda for British trade, and it is to be noted that more than 12,000 copies have been sent to diplomatic and trade commissioners in all parts of the world, so that they may maintain complete sets which may be consulted by those desiring information regarding British products, as represented by British Standard Specifications. The Government continues its whole-hearted support of the B.S.I, as the national standardising body in Great Britain.

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