
Bringing the Revolution to the Dam Site:How Technology, Labor, and Nature Converged in the Microcosm of a Northern Mexican Company Town, 1936–1946 Mikael Wolfe (bio) Long after they are built, grand infrastructure projects—renovated city centers, parks, overpasses, Olympic stadiums, freeways, mass-transit expansions, suspension bridges, mega-canals, dams—often come to stand as monuments to specific moments in history and to the prevailing social, cultural, and ideological values and technological prowess associated with them. Among these, large dams, as structures explicitly designed to fundamentally alter complex and fragile natural processes—namely, rivers and their hydrological cycles—for the purposes of agricultural modernization and industrialization, particularly represent the social, economic, and political goals at the heart of a nation's development agenda. For example, the historian Marc Reisner described (with some hyperbole) the dams of the New Deal era in his classic book Cadillac Desert as the United States' "temples"—with the Hoover Dam symbolizing the fight against the Depression and the Axis enemy during the Second World War.1 Similarly, the Mexican anthropologist and historian Claudio Lomnitz, citing the Brazilian literary critic Beatriz Jaguaribe, called dams and other infrastructure designed to legitimize Mexican presidents "modernist ruins," regardless of whether they were completed, or were even useful if completed.2 While there is a large literature on dam-building and its place in economic development and state formation, as well as its attendant social and ecological consequences,3 there are far fewer histories focusing on dam sites—that is, the temporary locales where workers, technicians, and their dependents and others live and work during the time dam construction [End Page 1] is under way. This is especially so for Mexico, which undertook considerable hydraulic development in the twentieth century.4 In this article I examine the postrevolutionary period of the 1930s and 1940s and how the Mexican government's National Irrigation Commission (CNI) brought the Mexican Revolution to remote dam sites by constructing "company towns" adjoining them. I argue that these towns served as microcosms of the larger national efforts of the Mexican state to deploy technology, labor, and nature in the name of a reified revolution.5 As a case study, I detail the process by which the CNI attempted to transform "El Palmito," or the Lázaro Cárdenas, dam site deep within the Sierra Madre of Durango. From 1936 to 1946 this dam site was the flagship laboratory for the CNI's revolutionary social mission of uplifting and civilizing its hired hands as they toiled to tame the torrential flow of the Nazas River. The Nazas was the lifeblood of the Comarca Lagunera, or Laguna, a region of lagoons located in southwestern Coahuila and northeastern Durango in north central Mexico (see map 1). Its name belies the arid desert landscape through which the Nazas flowed, delivering rich upstream sediments and organic detritus to vast irrigated fields of cotton grown hundreds of kilometers downstream since the early nineteenth century. In the first section, I contextualize the Palmito dam project as part of the larger postrevolutionary Mexican project of state- and party-building within which hydraulic engineering played a prominent role.6 In the second, I describe the working and living conditions, labor organizing, housing, services, law and order, and jurisdictional issues during the life of the town as it faced the continual inclemencies of nature. I conclude the article with how the fate of the dam site largely mirrored the fate of the dam, and by extension, Mexico's radical postrevolutionary project of social betterment under Lázaro Cárdenas: a mixed legacy of unfulfilled expectations alongside little local antipathy towards a technological structure considered to have been absolutely necessary to regulate an unwieldy river. El Palmito and Engineering as Nation-Building El Palmito dam on the Nazas River was one of five large dams launched under the populist presidency of Lázaro Cárdenas (1934–1940) as part of the National Revolutionary Party's Six Year Plan of 1934. In addition to El Palmito, these included the Solís Dam on the Lerma River in the [End Page 2] Click for larger view View full resolution Modern Laguna Watershed Map. This map displays the Nazas...

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