
The absence of formal markets and the large variability of genetic groups and production systems of goats and sheep in developing countries hinder the implementation of traditional breeding programmes. Community-based breeding programmes (CBBP) for these species have been shown to be effective in these countries. In these programmes, the definition of the objectives and criteria of selection is done in a participatory way, which takes into account the desires and needs of the local farmers. We aimed to define the objectives and criteria of a CBBP for goats and sheep in the Inhamuns region, Ceará, Brazil, using a participatory rural appraisal (PRA). This methodology, which consist in an approach that aims to incorporate the knowledge and opinions of rural people in the planning and management of development projects and programmes, was performed in seven districts of two towns of the region (Tauá and Parambu). One hundred twenty-two farmer families participated in the survey. The PRA was able to provide important information, and its results showed that breeders of this region keep flocks of goats and sheep for social, economic and cultural benefits. In order of importance, the main objectives for goat farming were personal fulfilment (PERF), food source for family (FSF), income generation (INCG), savings (SAV) and cultural/family traditions (CULT), while for sheep farming were CULT, FSF, SAV, PERF and INCG. Disease resistance (RDI), adaptability (ADP), fertility (FERT), growth rate (GRA), host resistance of worms (HRW), body conformation (BC), temperament (TEM), longevity (LONG), body size (BSIZ), age at first kidding (AFK) and milk yield (MIY) were the main selection criteria that farmers use for goats. The most important selection criteria used for selecting sheep were ADP, RDI, HRW, GRA, FERT, LONG, BC, BS and age at first lambing. According to these objectives and criteria, the CBBP must consider the adaptation of the animals to the climate and management conditions of the region, the resistance to diseases and productive performance.

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