
Book reviewed in this article:Plane Trigonometry, by Ernest Jackson Oglesby and Hollis Cooley, Department of Mathematics, Washington Square College, New York University. Pp.Modern Geometry, An Elementary Treatise on the Geometry of the Triangle and the Circle, by Roger A. Johnson, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Hunter College of the City of New York, under the Editorship of John Wesley Young, Professor of Mathematics, Darmouth College. Pp.Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus, by William Anthony Granville, formerly President of Gettysburg College. Revised by Percy F. Smith and William Raymond Longley, Professors of Mathematics at Yale University. Pp.New Laboratory Experiments in Practical Physics, by W. Henry Black, Assistant Professor of Education, Harvard University.Physics of the Home, A Textbook for students of Home Economics by Frederick A. Osborn, Professor of Physics, University of Washington. Second Edition. Cloth. Pages xiv + 397. 13.5times20.5 cm.Experimental Science by A. Frederick Collins. Illustrated by the author. Cloth. Pages xvi + 280. 12.5times18.5 cm. 1929.The Teaching Unit, A Type Study, by Douglas Waples, Professor of Educational Method, University of Chicago, and Charles A. Stone, Instructor in Mathematics, University High School, Chicago.Manual of the Vertebrate Animals of the Northeastern United States, by David Starr Jordan, Chancellor Emeritus of Leland Stanford Junior University, with an Introduction by Barton Warren Evermann, California Academy of Sciences.

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