
Introduction to Supersymmetry in Particle and Nuclear Physics. Edited by O. Castanos, A. Frank and L. Urrutia. (Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1984.) [Pp.viii+187.] US $29.50, Scope: Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements. Special Volume: Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors. Twelfth International Conference, Acapulco, Mexico, 4-1 0 September 1983.Edited by G. ESPINOSA, R. V. G ∼ T H, L. TOMMASINO, S. A. DURRANI and E. V. BENTON.(Pergamon Press, 1984.) [Pp. xii + 652.1 E6875, Scope: Conference Proceedings. Level Specialist. Solid-state Sciences 33 Mixed Crystals. By A. I. KITAIGORODSKY. (Springer-Verlag, 1984.)[Pp. xiv + 388.1 DM 120,-; US $43.70. Operational Safety of Nuclear Power Plants Vols. 1 and 2. Edited by the International Atomic Energy Agency. (IAEA, 1984.) [Pp. 385.1 Austrian Schillings 750. Isotope Shifts in Atomic Spectra. By W. H. KING. (Plenum Press Corporation, 1984.)[Pp. x -t- 208.1 US $37.50, Scope: Treatise/Textbook. Level: Specialist post-graduate. Synergetics: From Microscopic to Macroscopic Order. Edited by E. FREHLAND. (Springer-Verlag,1984.) [Pp. 259.1 US $31-70. Scope: Conference proceedings. Level Specialist. Multicritical Phenomena. By R. PYNN and A. SHJELTORP. (Plenum Press, 1984.) [Pp. 472.1 E7500.Scope: Conference proceedings. Level: Post-graduate. Astrophysical Techniques. By C. R. KITCHIN. (Adam Hilger, 1984.) [Pp. 440.1 E4000. Scope:Textbook. Level: Undergraduate. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry SIMS-IV. Edited by A. BENNINGHOVEN, C. A. EVANS JR., R. A. POWELL, R. SHIMUZU and H. A. STORMS. (Springer-Verlag, 1984.) [Pp 503.1 US $38.50. Colours of the Stars. By D. MALIN and P. MURDIN. (Cambridge University Press, 1984.)[Pp. ix + 198.1 f13.95; US $27.95. Level: General. Spectrometric Techniques, Vol. 3. Edited by G. A. VANASSE. (Academic Press Inc., 1984.1[Pp. xi + 334.1 $53.00. Level: Post-graduate. Atlas of Deep-Sky Splendors. Fourth edition. By HANS VEHRENBERG. (Cambridge University Press, 1984.) [Pp. 242.1 E25.00; US $44.50. Level General Reader. Hot Atom Chemistry: Recent Trends and Applications in the Physical and Life Sciences and Technology (Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry). Edited by T. MASUURA.(Elsevier Science Publishers, 1984.) [Pp. xii + 532.1 US $1 1150; Dfl. 29000. Scope: Survey.Level: Advanced. Shock Waves in Condensed Matter-1983. Edited by J. R. ASAY, R. A. GRAHAM and G. K. STRAUB.(Elsevier Science Publishers, 1984.) [Pp. vii +647.] US $71.25; Dfl. 185.00. Scope: Conference Proceedings. Level: Specialist Advanced. Current Topics in Chinese Science, Section A Physics Volume 2. (Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1984.) [Pp. 490.1 $54.00. Scope: Survey. Level: Advanced.

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