
Books reviewed:Richard N.L. Andrews, Managing the Environment, Managing Ourselves. A History of American Environmental Policy andDouglas R. Weiner, A Little Corner of Freedom. Russian Nature Protection from Stalin to Gorbachev (Maxwell Bruce, QC)William Wilson, Making Environmental Laws Work: Law and Policy in the UK and USA (Tim Swanson)Robin Attfield, The Ethics of the Global Environment (Lavanya Rajamani)Peter Bautista Payoyo, Cries of the Sea: World Inequality, Sustainable Development and the Common Heritage of Humanity (David M. Ong)Rolf Bommer, Economic Integration and the Environment (Bettina Lange)Volker Kleinschmidt and Dieter Wagner (editors), Strategic Environmental Assessment in Europe (Richard Macrory)Simon Bell and Stephen Morse, Sustainability Indicators. Measuring the Immeasurable (Maxi Alexander)UNEP, Global Environment Outlook 2000 (Antonia Layard)Peter Hough, The Global Politics of Pesticides. Forging Consensus from Conflicting Interests (Elizabeth Vogelezang‐Stoute)Timothy Swanson and Marco Vighi (editors), Regulating Chemical Accumulation in the Environment: the Integration of Toxicology and Economics in Environmental Policymaking (Lorelei Moosbrugger)Pieter Glasbergen (editor), Co‐operative Environmental Governance: Public‐Private Agreements as a Policy Strategy (Halina Ward)Ken Sexton, Alfred A. Marcus, K. William Easter and Timothy Burkhardt (editors), Better Environmental Decisions. Strategies for Governments, Businesses and Communities (Veerle Heyvaert)Jonathan Golub (editor), New Instruments for Environmental Policy in the EU (Ian Skinner)Jonathan Golub (editor), Global Competition and EU Environmental Policy (Matthias Buck)

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