
Abstract Final State Interactions. By John Gillespie. (Holden-Day Inc., 728 Montgomery St., San Francisco, 1965.) [Pp. viii + 104.] $6.95. Puzzles and Paradoxes. By T. H. O'Beirne. (Oxford University Press, 1965.) [Pp. xiv + 238.] 30s. Discovering Physics. By Philip E. Heafford. (Longmans, 1965.) [Pp. x + 262.] 15s. The Reactivity of Solids. International Symposium, Munich 1964. (Butterworth, 1965 .) [Pp. v + 387452.] 20s. Concepts in Physics. By Reuben Benumof. (Prentice Hall, 1965.) [Pp. 562.] Elements of Physics. (4th Edition.) By George Shortley and Dudley Williams. (Prentice-Hall, 1965.) [Pp. xiii + 924.] 84s. Physics. By K. R. Atkins. (John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1965.) [Pp. 754.1 72s. Introduction to Mathematics with Applications. By Herbert Barkhan and Carl Konove. (D. Van Nostrand, 1965.) [pp. xiii + 365.] 62s. Quasi-Stellar Sources and Gravitational Collapse. Edited by Ivor Robinson, Alfred Schild and E. L. Schucking. (University of Chicago Press.) [Pp. 475.] 72s. Solid State Physics. Vol. 16. Edited by F. Seitz and D. Turnbull. (Academic Press, 1964.) [Pp. xvit-446.] 124s. Angular Correlation Methods in Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy. By A. J. Ferguson. (Amster- dam: North Holland Publishing Co., P.O. Box 103, 1965.) [Pp. xi+214.] 50s. Classical Dynamics. By Jerry B. Marion. (Academic Press Inc., 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, 1965.) [Pp. xv + 576.] 92s. Scientijic Research in British Universities and Colleges 1964-65. Vol. I. Physical Sciences, pp. xix + 368, price 37s. 6d. Vol. 11. Life Sciences, pp. xviii + 404, price 40s. Theory of Superconductiwity. By G. Richayzen. (Wiley, 1965.) [Pp. xvi+483.] 170s. Auroral Phenomena. Edited by MARTIN WALT. (O.U.P., 1965.) [Pp. 170.1 40s. Physics of Thin Films. Vol. 11. Edited by Georg Haw and Rudolf Thun. (Academic Press, 1964.) [Pp. xii + 441.] 120s.

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