
Non-adherent Percoll-separated large granular lymphocytes (LGLs) fractionated by fluorescence-activated cell sorter into CD16+ CD4- natural killer (NK) cells and CD16- CD4+ T cells, were co-cultured with bone marrow (BM) cells previously depleted of adherent T and/or NK cells by immunoadsorption (panning) and plated in a clonogenic assay to assess myeloid colony formation (CFU-gm growth). LGLs, NK cells and LGL T cells [low buoyant density (LBD) T cells] each significantly reduced colony-stimulating factor (CSF)-dependent CFU-gm growth to 70% of control values (p less than 0.05). Non-LGL T cells [high buoyant density (HBD) T cells] did not affect this growth. Incubation of the effector cells with human recombinant interleukin 2 prior to co-culturing did not alter these findings. The supernatants obtained from LGLs, NK cells and LBD T cells co-cultured with BM cells also inhibited CFU-gm growth to 70% of the control, whereas supernatants from effector cells which were not co-cultured with BM had no such effect. These supernatants from the LGL:BM co-cultured cells possessed NK cytotoxic factor (NKCF), but lacked alpha and gamma interferons, tissue necrosis factor-alpha, and prostaglandin E2. These results suggest that BM cells stimulate LGLs to produce NKCF, and that LGLs, CD16+ NK cells, and CD4+ CD16- LBD T cells activated by contact with BM cells inhibit CFU-gm growth.

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