
Excitatory signaling mediated by NMDARs has been shown to regulate mood disorders. However, current treatments targeting NMDAR subtypes have shown limited success in treating patients, highlighting a need for alternative therapeutic targets. Here, we identify a role for GluN2D-containing NMDARs in modulating emotional behaviors and neural activity in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST). Using a GluN2D KO mouse line (GluN2D-/-), we assessed behavioral phenotypes across tasks modeling emotional behavior. We then used a combination of ex vivo electrophysiology and in vivo fiber photometry to assess changes in BNST plasticity, cell-specific physiology, and cellular activity profiles. GluN2D-/- male mice exhibit evidence of exacerbated negative emotional behavior, and a deficit in BNST synaptic potentiation. We also found that GluN2D is functionally expressed on corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-positive BNST cells implicated in driving negative emotional states, and recordings in mice of both sexes revealed increased excitatory and reduced inhibitory drive onto GluN2D-/- BNST-CRF cells ex vivo and increased activity in vivo Using a GluN2D conditional KO line (GluN2Dflx/flx) to selectively delete the subunit from the BNST, we find that BNST-GluN2Dflx/flx male mice exhibit increased depressive-like behaviors, as well as altered NMDAR function and increased excitatory drive onto BNST-CRF neurons. Together, this study supports a role for GluN2D-NMDARs in regulating emotional behavior through their influence on excitatory signaling in a region-specific manner, and suggests that these NMDARs may serve as a novel target for selectively modulating glutamate signaling in stress-responsive structures and cell populations.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Excitatory signaling mediated through NMDARs plays an important role in shaping emotional behavior; however, the receptor subtypes/brain regions through which this occurs are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that loss of GluN2D-containing NMDARs produces an increase in anxiety- and depressive-like behaviors in mice, deficits in BNST synaptic potentiation, and increased activity in BNST-CRF neurons known to drive negative emotional behavior. Further, we determine that deleting GluN2D in the BNST leads to increased depressive-like behaviors and increased excitatory drive onto BNST-CRF cells. Collectively, these results demonstrate a role for GluN2D-NMDARs in regulating the activity of stress-responsive structures and neuronal populations in the adult brain, suggesting them as a potential target for treating negative emotional states in mood-related disorders.

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