
Bicycle accidents are a frequent cause of blunt abdominal trauma in children. In Chile, there are no scientific articles about such accidents, their presentation and management. The aim of this study is to describe three cases of blunt abdominal trauma due to handlebar injury in children, in order to illustrate the different kinds of lesions, their presentation, and management. 1) 11-year-old boy presented to Emergency Department (ED) after falling on a bi cycle handlebar, hitting his epigastric region. A CT scan showed signs of duodenal perforation. A la parotomy was performed and the duodenal perforation repaired. 2) 14-year-old boy seen at ED after a bicycle accident in which the handlebar hit him in the abdomen area. A CT scan showed a splenic injury with multiple lacerations and active bleeding that was treated with angioembolization. After 6 weeks of follow-up, he presented resolution of the lesion and viability of the spleen. 3) 9-year-old boy admitted due to a hit with the bicycle handlebar on the abdomen area. A CT scan showed a he patic injury that was managed with non-surgical procedures, achieving resolution of the lesion after 8 weeks of follow-up. Blunt abdominal trauma caused by handlebar can be potentially serious in pediatric patients, since it may affect solid and hollow abdominal viscera. Non-surgical ma nagement is becoming more used for stable patients, achieving high success rates. Unstable patients or those with suspicion of hollow viscera perforation will require surgery as first approach.

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