
Chlorophyll a fluorescence transients from mesophyll and single guard cell pairs of Vicia faba were measured by microspectrofluorometry. In both chloroplast types, fluorescence induction (O to P) was similar under actinic blue and green light. In slow transients from mesophyll cell chloroplasts, blue and green light induced identical, typical rapid quenching from P to S, and the M peak. In contrast, the P to S transient from guard cell (GC) chloroplasts irradiated with blue light showed a much slower quenching rate, and the P to T transition showed no M peak. Actinic green light induced mesophyll-like transients in GC chloroplasts, including rapid quenching from P to S and the M peak. Detection of these transients in single pairs of GC and isolated protoplasts ruled out mesophyll contamination as a signal source. Green light induced a rapid quenching and the M peak in GC chloroplasts from several species. The effect of CO(2) concentration on the fluorescence transients was investigated in the presence of HCO(3) (-) at pH 6.8 and 10.0. In transients induced by green light in both chloroplast types, a pH increase concomitant with a reduction in CO(2) concentration caused an increase in the initial rate of quenching and the elimination of the M peak. Actinic blue light induced mesophyll-like transients from GC chloroplasts in the presence of 10 micromolar KCN, a concentration at which the blue light-induced stomatal opening is inhibited. Addition of 100 to 200 micromolar phosphate also caused large increases in fluorescence quenching rates and a M peak. These results indicate that blue light modulates photosynthetic activity in GC chloroplasts. This blue light effect is not observed in the absence of transduction events connected with the blue light response and in the presence of high phosphate concentrations.

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