
In this paper as object of this publication is the phenomenon of blood feud murders as a medieval phenomenon, which continues to accompany the life of the Albanian nation in modern times bringing loss of life and other negative consequences in the society. I purposefully chose this topic as a subject of study in this paper, by noticing the serious consequences that brings the blood feud, and I thought as valuable to investigate, draw conclusions, by stating the reasons and consequences of this medieval phenomenon and to submit my opinions related to this phenomenon. Through this study i want to point out the flow of this medieval phenomenon, reflecting its negative side as well as the consequences of this phenomenon, the tendency of this phenomenon nowdays, the work of the state authorities and non-governmental social organizations to mitigate this phenomenon, always in the service of life and freedom of the individual. Murders are the most serious crimes that affect the human right to live, as a fundamental human right protected by a number of international acts such as the Universal Declaration of the General Assembly of the UN (1948), the European Convention (1950), the Constitution of the Republic of Albania etc. Martin Luterking said (4th april 1968) “It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can keep him from lynching me, and I think that's pretty important” Albanian scholars in Albania starting from the basic thesis that blood feud murders are social historical phenomena that have appeared since ancient times, in pre-state formations and blood feud was the only way of protection of certain social groups, a phenomenon which over time is replaced by the State and its structures. However in the Albanian areas this medieval phenomenon woefully continued to operate until today, that often appeared more terrific taking innocent human lives and beyond every customary rule. DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n3p199


  • In this paper as object of this publication is the phenomenon of blood feud murders as a medieval phenomenon, which continues to accompany the life of the Albanian nation in modern times bringing loss of life and other negative consequences in the society

  • The crime of blood feud murder as a criminal and a legal concept has special specifications, which are closely related to psychology, tradition and socio-cultural development of the area and as such is a complex problem of a certain human society

  • With blood feud murder it’s understood murder which was committed to take the blood of the father, brother, son, uncle, nephew of the father according to the customary rule "Blood for blood", "head to head", under the principle of Talionit known in feudal criminal law on different states and on Medieval Canons of Albanian

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Each society has an interest to have among them as little negative phenomena and less crimes against life in general and blood feud in particular. Through this paper besides the manifestation of a general overview of the phenomenon of blood feud currently, i aim to represent some of the main causes, its harmful consequences that brings the blood feud to a society and after their analysis to present some thoughts and conclusions on combating this phenomenon till its disappearance from the Albanian society. The disappearance of the medieval phenomenon of blood feud is the main interest of the Albanian society and its constant analysis, including this paper too, for this phenomenon, give a modest contribution to the realization of sensitization and ultimate eradication of the blood feud from the Albanian mentality. That's for a future where the rule of law prevails, the law and respect of human rights, because only this way the future of the society and of our nation will be safe in the realization of our national aspirations

The Meaning and Historical Development of the Blood Feud and Revenge Murders
The Meaning and the Characteristics of Blood Feud Murder
The Blood Feud and Revenge Murders in Albania
Social and Other Consequences that have Caused Murders
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