
The subcontinent of northeast Asia, defined as the region east of the Lena River between 58o and 72oN (and excluding the Kamchatka peninsula), is 3500 km × 1500 km in area (Fig. 1). Influenced by ice‐covered seas, low air temperatures and permafrost, it has a complicated mosaic of habitats, supporting a diverse and unique bird fauna with a number of endemic species and populations.East of the Verkhoyansk range, the northern limit of continuous coniferous forest retreats southwards and is replaced by two vegetation types unique to northeast Siberia: Larch tundra‐forest (sparse Larix cajanderi) and tall bush tundra ecotone (dominated by the Shrub Pine Pinuspumila and Bush Alder Alnus fruticosa). Shrub Pine dominates sub‐alpine altitudes throughout the interior and coastal ranges, descending in places to sea level.Coastal habitats include river deltas, brackish water bays, offshore drift ice fields and leads, lagoons, sand spits, marshes, intertidal mudflats, cliffs. offshore islands, upwellings and surface currents. Warmed by the ground water, the permafrost‐free interior valleys support lush deciduous woods of Poplar Popubs suaveolens and Korean Willow Chosenia macrolepis. Higher in the mountains, dry lichen tundra and rocky deserts occur.

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