
The relative stability of different oxidation states of actinide elements is influenced by the nature of complexes formed and redox equilibria in aqueous/non-aqueous solutions. The reduction/stripping studies on Pu(IV) ions from loaded organic phases of 1.1 M tributyl phosphate and of 1.1 M N,N-dihexyl octanamide in n-dodecane were studied using organic soluble tert-butyl hydroquinone (TBH) and aqueous soluble reductants like acetaldoxime (AX) and hydroxyurea (HU). These studies were carried out as a function of reductant and nitric acid concentration (0.5–4 M HNO3) and of time. The changes in Pu oxidation states were followed by spectrophotometry for TBH and by distribution ratio values for AX and HU as reductants. Spectrophotometric investigations using TBH as reductant showed that it was desirable to strip Pu(III) formed after reduction of Pu(IV) in the organic phase, which may otherwise be reconverted to extractable Pu(IV) by in situ generated HNO2 from oxidative degradation of TBH to tert-butyl quinone. Similarly, the biphasic reduction/stripping of Pu(IV) using AX and HU as reductant rate was affected adversely with increased aqueous phase acidity. This data will help in the accurate simulation of Pu separation processes using these reductants in mixer-settlers/pulsed columns or centrifugal contactors.

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