
The New World species of Bothriochloa O. Kuntze are polyploids with 2n = 60, 120, 180 and 220 chromosomes and they reproduce sexually. Plants with 2n = 180 chromosomes constitute the extremely variable B. barbinodis (Lag.) Herter, which is subdivided into var. barbinodis, var. palmeri (Hack.) de Wet comb. nov., and var. schlumbergeri (Fourn.) de Wet comb. nov. The single collection with 2n = 220 chromosomes belongs with var. schlumbergeri. Plants resembling B. barbinodis in inflorescence structure but having well‐developed pedicellate spikelets and 2n = 120 chromosomes are included in B. campii (Swallen) de Wet comb. nov. South American collections of B. springfieldii (Gould) Parodi differ from North American collections in having 2n = 60 rather than 120 chromosomes and in having larger inflorescences as does B. barbinodis. Variety australis de Wet. var. nov. is described to include them.

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