
The long-term use of Cu-based fungicides at doses of several kilograms per hectare stimulated a wide debate about the human health and environmental risks of the progressive accumulation of Cu in agricultural soils. Here, the health risks due to copper accumulation in agricultural soils were evaluated with a survey in intensive agricultural land of the Campania region (Italy), aiming to evaluate Cu accumulation in food crops. The health risk due to dietary exposure was estimated by using the Hazard Quotient (HQ), calculated as the ratio between the average daily dose and the reference dose of copper, suggesting that when HQ > 1 there is a potential risk for consumers. According to a survey of soils with a Cu content up to 217 mg kg−1, no foodstuffs showed dietary risks. Nevertheless, the contribution of Cu contained in these foodstuffs to the overall intake of Cu by consumers could increase health risks since such risks must be evaluated on the basis of the whole standard diet by quantifying the Cu content not only in vegetables and fruits but also in other sources, such as cereals, not cultivated in the study area and thus not considered in this paper.The environmental risks due to copper accumulation in agricultural soils were then evaluated with a field experiment in a soil characterized by a very high Cu concentration (up to 1700 mg kg−1), aiming to study the impacts of Cu on native soil microorganisms. The study of the microbiota highlighted that the presence of Cu in soil did not reduce the total richness and diversity of microorganisms, which were not related to increasing concentrations of Cu in the soil. Nevertheless, Cu contamination was found to exert significant selection pressure on the soil microbiota, as shown by beta diversity and correlation analysis between taxa and Cu content.

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