
AbstractAmino acid-catalyzed directed asymmetric aldol reactions showed enhanced enantioselectivity when conducted in ionicliquids. Optically active products were afforded in better yields (up to 23% higher) and enantiomeric excess (up to 21%higher) in ionic liquids than in conventional organic solvents.Keywords: Ionid Liquid, Aldol Reaction, Amino Acid, Catalysis 1. Introduction Room-temperature ionic liquids are attracting grow-ing interest as alternative reaction media for chemicaltransformations [1-2] . One major advantage of ionic liq-uids is that they have no detectable vapor pressure,making them environmentally benign. Hence, they areemerging as novel replacements for volatile organic sol-vents in industrial organic synthesis. Room-temperatureionic liquids are particularly promising as solvents forcatalysis, allowing enhanced catalyst activity, selectiv-ity, stability, and reusability. Research in this area hasso far focused on transition metal-catalyzed transforma-tions. Recently, research groups, including ours, havereported on the potential of ionic liquids as alternativereaction media for biocatalysis and biotransformation

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