
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is most commonly cultivated food grain crop in India as well as over the world. Rice is susceptible to many destructive diseases, among them bacterial diseases reported to major constrain in their production which causes significant yield loss. Major bacterial diseases affecting their viz., Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) (Xanthomons oryzae pv. oryzae), bacterial leaf streak (BLS) (Xanthomonas oryaze pv. oryzacola) and bacterial panicle blight (BPB) (Burkholderia glumae) and Bacterial Brown stripe (BBS) (Pseudomonas avenae) are of regular occurrence. On the basis of diseases severity and economic losses BPB, BLB and BLS are most destructive respectively reported by many researchers. Management of such disease is a challenge without harming environment and human health. Chemicals having adverse effect on natural ecosystem and not economically feasible. In this review management of such diseases by eco-friendly approach is discussed. Adopting such practices is helpful in maintaining cost benefit ratio by resulting in profit. These practices can reduce the harmful residual effect of the chemical. It also suggests at about adopting effective cultural and physical method.

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