
Measuring hormone metabolites in fecal samples allows the noninvasive assessment of some steroid hormones in primates. However, noninvasive hormone assays need analytical and biological validation owing to variation in hormone metabolism and excretion between the sexes and across species. We aimed to validate the measurement of fecal glucocorticoid (fGC), testosterone (fT), and progesterone (fP) metabolites in 15 captive stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides). We collected fecal samples before and after we induced a stress response by restraining and injecting the subjects with saline solution. We then measured hormone metabolites using a methanol extraction technique and 125I radioimmunoassay kits. We analyzed the change in glucocorticoid production before and after the stressor, as well as sexual and social rank differences. For fT metabolite levels we investigated variation with sex, age, and social rank, and for fP metabolite levels, we tested for sexual and cycle phase differences. We found a significant increase in fGC metabolite levels 22–25 h poststressor in both sexes. The increase was greater in high-ranking than in low-ranking individuals. Levels of fT metabolites were higher in males than in females, correlated positively with rank only in males, and correlated negatively with age in both sexes. fP metabolite levels were higher in females than in males, and were higher during the luteal phase than in the follicular phase. These findings indicate that our assays reliably detected hormonal changes related to stress (fGC) and detected differences between social and sexual categories (fT, fP) in stumptail macaques.

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