
Data on the timing of the onset of phenological phases and the duration of the flowering period of the genetic collection of annual flowering plants from three sections of the family Onagraceae Juss. are presented: Rhodanthos, Godetia and Phaeostoma of the Clarkia Pursh. generic complex, outside their natural habitats (ex situ), on the collection site of the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University. As a result of the evaluation of the flowering phenomena of Clarkia sections, two flowering periods were identified. The species were distributed into summer-flowering plants C. purpurea from the Godetia section - with a vegetation duration of 102 ± 2 days and summer-autumn C. amoena and C. amoena subsp. Lindleyi from the Rhodanthos section with a vegetation duration of 123 ± 2 days and a species of C. unguiculata blooming throughout the period from the Phaeostoma section with a vegetation duration of 126 ± 2 days. Correlation analysis showed a high dependence of the growth and development periods of Clarkia species on the sum of biologically active temperatures > 10 °C (0.77 - 0.99). Cpurpurea from the Godetia section has the greatest adaptive potential to local climatic conditions, it requires the least amount of biologically active temperatures of the growing season (1903 °C) for growth and development than two other sections: Phaeostoma (2090 °C), Rhodanthos (2188 °C). Thus, all three sections of the Clarkia family Onagraceae Juss. they are characterized by prolonged flowering in the conditions of the forest-steppe of Western Siberia, are promising for urban gardening, differ in the possibility of sowing seeds in the open ground and are suitable for flower beds of continuous flowering.

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